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What Former Clients Have To Say
If I could tell Jeff anything, it would be, of course, thank you. But it's more than that. It's more than thank you. It's more than I appreciate you. It's more than, you know, thank you for all you've done for me, because it's not really just for me, all the things that he's done. It's for my family. It's for my friends. It's for, I have two pets. It's for my future. It's for my home. All of the things that Jeff has done for me have gone and affected so many other people that it's one of those things that reminds me one act of kindness spreads like wildfire. When you're in a world with such negativity, when one person does something good and one person does something positive, it spreads into so many different lives that it puts out so much more goodness in the world that we need.
S.W.(Full name withheld to protect privacy)
Here we finally are, mostly at the end of this long road! Rob and I would not have made it to this point without your knowledge, kindness and encouragement! Brandon will be taken care of now and in the future because of you and the work you do! There is no greater gift that we could be given than to know that. Because of you we can look toward his adult hood knowing that he is going to be ok. I cannot tell you the peace that it gives Rob and I to know this. You are directly responsible for that peace which to us is even more important than the money. Take good care of yourself, be kind to you! Please know that you will always be in our hearts and in our prayers.
B.S.(Full name withheld to protect privacy)
Read Inverted Reality
A lot of Youth Serving Organizations are doing it wrong.
Do you want to deeply understand how schools, religious organizations and other youth serving organizations may be found negligent for not instituting or following proper sexual abuse prevention policies?
Do you want to know how to stop sexual abuse from starting at youth serving organizations?